Welcome to the People’s Department
Congratulations on your employment with the USDA. Since 1862, the public servants of the USDA have worked diligently to improve the lives of millions of our fellow Americans. Because the work we do affects every American, every single day, we are known as the “People’s Department.”
And now, you are part of this proud history of public service and the important work we do. Welcome to the USDA.
Onboarding Portal
The site will take you step-by-step through the new employment process. Begin with Before You Report, which will guide you through the process of getting ready for your first day at work. There are a number of forms and some training that we would like you to complete before your first day, so please allow about three to four hours to complete all of the material. If you have any problems or questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Human Resources Specialist.
Again, welcome to the “People’s Department.” We are pleased and proud to have you on board!
Employee Resources
This page has instructions and forms for employees who are separating from USDA.
WebTA allows employees to enter and validate the bi-weekly timekeeping data regarding hours worked and leave taken by accessing a secure website.
With Concur, government travelers and managers can easily create, review, approve and process travel authorizations and vouchers.
Your pay, leave and other important personal information about the benefits you selected can be found on the Employee Personal Page.
AgLearn is USDA's Learning Management System for the delivery of training programs at USDA.
EmpowHR houses all personnel actions, performance appraisals, awards, and employee addresses.
ConnectHR is the USDA single-sign-on role based application and allows you to access all your HR web applications through a single place 24/7 from any internet connection.
Commuter Transit Subsidy Program
Federal employees who use public transportation to and from work can receive a subsidy from the USDA to cover all or part of this cost. Ask your supervisor to connect you with your transit subsidy coordinator who can provide you with specific information about the program and the current maximum subsidy amount.
Federal employee insurance programs provide health, life, and long term care insurance benefits to the families of Federal employees.
The Office of Personnel Management provides valuable employment, pay and performance, and leadership and individual development information.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
The Employee Assistance Program provides free, confidential services for employees and family members who are living in their home or who are covered by the employee’s health insurance plan. The EAP offers services in the following areas:
Counseling Services:
Short-term assessment and referral to community resources based on client needs (emotional, alcohol, drugs, etc.).
Financial and Legal Services:
Free consultation with financial experts and licensed attorneys to provide assistance with legal and financial questions.
Management Consultation:
Assistance for managers and supervisors when responding to a troubled employee.
Critical Incident Response:
Counselors to assist in managing traumatic situations such as threats, acts of violence, natural disasters, injury or death.
Education and Training:
Training programs to support both supervisors and employees on the benefits and functions of the EAP.
Records and conversations between counselors and employees are private in accordance with both state and Federal laws.
Reasonable Accommodations
The USDA provides reasonable accommodation for qualified employees and applicants with disabilities adhering to applicable Federal regulations and guidelines. We provide reasonable accommodation for the known physical or mental limitations of qualified employees and applicants with disabilities when those disabilities or limitations are properly documented and when they meet Federal regulatory requirements. If you believe you have a qualifying disability or limitation, you should first notify your supervisor. When referred to your Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator you may be asked to complete the Request for Reasonable Accommodation and/or Personal Assistance Services. As soon as you have completed the form and the required documents (such as a letter from your health care provider), you should give the form and documents to your Reasonable Accommodation Coordinator.